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400,000 - 500,000 files
Picture of Rick's Triple Stack of Classic Pioneer Silver-face audio equipment
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No, it's not a circuit board. It is Rick's Triple Stack Pioneer Silver-face Audio gear. This business was started as a result of Rick's personal passion for vintage audio gear and a desire to help others with their collectible gear.

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70's Audio... literature is our specialty.
We don't need no stinkin' robot assembled, computer controlled,
black plastic, throw away stuff pretending to be audio gear.

A bit of jesting... we actually have many 10's of thousands of Service Manuals and Schematics (fix-it information), User Manuals (operating instructions), Advertising Brochures, IC Data Sheets, Training Manuals and more for almost 600 consumer electronics brands including some models in recent years. We have not only one of the best collections of vintage and classic audio manuals (solid state and tube), but also for loads of black plastic audio, plus all kinds of other electronics such as, Car Audio, Home Theatre, AV Receivers, Video Cameras, Television, Projection and Flat Panel TV's, Reel to Reel, Cassette, 8-Track, CD Players, Radios, Pro Audio gear, and even some Computers, Printers and even a few Appliances.
Our (mostly audio) literature library is one of the largest on the planet available for reprints. 99+% are factory original documents. If they were all put together in one stack, it would reach a height of about 320 feet. Quality printed reproductions of these are what constitutes our Reproduction Manuals Catalog. We also have a few thousand spare factory original manuals for sale. This is what makes up our spare ORIGINAL Manuals Catalog. We also have 400,000 to 500,000 manuals in (mostly) PDF format which we hope to eventually get listed on our site. Although not currently listed on our site, they are available now. We sometimes send Free PDF online downloads to folks.
We are dedicated to our A-#1 Priority.
That is to provide some of the Very Best High Quality literature reproductions available anywhere for your treasured Vintage /Classic (and newer) audio equipment (real customer's comments). We have Service Manuals, Schematics, Specifications, User Manuals, Owners Manuals, Operating Instructions, B/W and Full Color Sales Brochures and More.
We promise to give you accurate descriptions, friendly communications, reliable service and...

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SERVICE MANUALS - USER MANUALS and other literature for many COMPANIES

LITERATURE TYPES: High Quality Reproduction Reprint or Factory Original Vintage Classic and Newer Owners Manuals, User Manuals, User's Manuals, Operator Manual, Operating Instructions, Specifications, System Hookup, Panel Controls, How To Operate, Sales Brochures, Dealer Brochures, Color Brochures, Product Literature, Data Sheets, Service Manuals, Service Literature, Maintenance Manual, Mechanism Manual, Servicing Information, Repair Manuals, Schematics, Schema, Circuit Diagrams, Circuit Drawings, Troubleshooting, Repair Tips, How to, Fixit, Adjustments, Assembly, Disassembly, Block Diagram, Level Diagram, Exploded Views, Parts List, Parts Locations, Parts Price List, IC Data Sheets

A - COMPANIES: AB International, AB Systems, Accuphase, ACE R/C Inc, Acoustat, Acoustic, Acoustic Control Corp, Acoustic Dynamics, Acoustic Research, ADC, Adcom, Admiral, ADS, Advent, Afco Electronics, AGS, Aiko, AIMS, Air Chief, Air Castle, Airline, Air-O-Ear, Aiwa, Akai, Alaron, Alexander's, Allied, Allied Radio, Allison, Alpine, Altec, Acoustics, Allstate, Alpine/Luxman, Ambassador, AMC (American Motors), Amcron, Amelux, Ampeg, Ampex, Ampro, Apple, Apt Holman, ARA, Archer, Argos, Arkay, Arrakis, Arthur Fulmer, Arvin, Astra, Astrocom Marlux, Audi, Audimation, Audio Control, Audio Design, Audio Dynamics Corp, Audio Reflex, Audio Research, Audio-Technica, Audiometric, Audiotronics, Auto-sonic, Automatic Radio, Autostereo, Autotek, Avanti, Aventura, Avid

B - COMPANIES: Bang & Olufsen, Becker, Beckman Industrial, BEI, Belar, Bell Sound, Belsona, Bendix, Benjamin, Benjamin Electronic Sound Corp, Benjamin Electroproducts Inc, Benjamin Electronic Sound Corp, Bertagni, BES, Bell and Howell, B.E.S.T., BGW, BIC, Bib, Bigston, Black and Decker, Blaupunkt, Bogen, Bohsei, Boman, Bosch, Bose, Boss, Bozak, Bradford, Brandt, Braun, Brewmatic, Bravia, British Leyland, Broadcast Electronics Inc, Broadmoor, Broksonic, Browning Lab, BSR, Burhoe Acoustics

C - COMPANIES: Califone, Calix, Canadian Admiral, Canon, Capehart Dumont, Capital, Carrera, Cartape, Carver, Casio, Catalina, CDE, Celestion, Centrex, Cerwin Vega, Channel Master, Chatham Electronics, Chevrolet, Chicago Musical Instrument Company, Chrysler, CI, Cipher, Citizen, Claricon, Clarion, Clairtone, Clark & Smith, C/M Labs, Cobra, Colortyme, Commodore, Computer (Generic), Concept, Concert Hall, Concertone, Concord, Consumer Reports, Continental, Continental Edison, Coral, Cordovox, Coronado, Courier, Coustic, Craig, Craig Panorama, Craftsmen, Cranwood, Crate, Criterion, Crosley, Crown, Crown Japan, Curtis Mathes

D - COMPANIES: Dahlquist, Dallas Music Industries, David Hafler, Daytron, db Audio, dbx, DCM, Decca, Delco, Delmonico, DeltaLab, Delta Lab Research, Denon, Direct TV, DiscoVision Associates, Discwasher, Ditton, DMI, Dodge, Don McGohan, Dorchester, Dual, Dukane, Dumont, Dyna-Empire Inc, Dynaco, Dynatech

E - COMPANIES: Earth, Echoplex, Eddystone Radio, EIA, Eico, Ekotape, ELAC, Electra, Electro-Voice, Electroacoustic GMBH, Electrobrand, Electrohome, Electrophonic, Elgin, ELPA Marketing, Emerson, Empire, Encore, Epicure, Epiphone, Epson, Eric Electronic, Esoteric Sound, ESS, ETI Canada, Excelia

F - COMPANIES: Fannon, Fender, Ferrograph, Firestone, Fisher, FONS, Ford, Forte Audio, Fostex, Frazier, Fujitsu-Ten, Fultone, Funai, Funai Symphonic, Furman Sound, Futaba

G - COMPANIES: Galaxy, Garrard, GAS (Great American Sound), Gately Electronics, GE (General Electric), Gemini, General Electric, General Industries, General Motors, Genesis, Gibbs, Gibson, Globe, Glenburn, GLI, GM (General Motors, Delco, Pontiac, Chevrolet, Buick, Oldsmobile, Cadillac), Go Video, Grado, Graflex, Granada, Granco, Gran Prix, Great American Sound Company, Grommes Precision, Grundig (Grundig Majestic), GTVR (Granada TV Rental)

H - COMPANIES: Hafler, Hallicrafters, Hammond, Handic, Harmon Kardon (H-K), Harris, Heath, Heathkit, Hewlett Packard, HH Scott, Hi-Comp, HiFi Tape Recording, Hitachi, Hohner, Holmes, Honda, Howard

I - COMPANIES: ICP, IMF Fried, Imperial, Infinity, Inland-Dynatronics, Integral Systems, Interaudio, Inter-Ego Systems, International Music Corporation, International Radio and Electronics Corp, International Sound Company, Irish, Isuzu

J - COMPANIES Jamo, JBL, JC Penney, Jeep, Jennings Research, Jensen, Jerold, Jet Sounds, JIL, John Deere, Johnson, Juliette, JVC (Japan Victor Company)

K - L - COMPANIES: Kay-Townes, Kelsey, Kensonic Labs, Kent, Kenwood, KID Designs, Kingspoint, KLH, Klipsch, K-Mart, KMC, Knight (Knight Kit, Allied Radio), Korg, Korting, Koss, Kraco, K.T.O. International, Kurzweil, Kustom, Kyocera, Lafayette, Lanier, Lasonic, Lear Jet, Leak, Lenco, Lennoxx, Lesa, Leslie, Lexington, Lincoln, Linear Power, Linn Sondek, Lloyds, Lo-D, LRE, Lucor, Luxman

M - COMPANIES: Macom, Madison Fielding, Maestro, Maestro Echoplex, Magnavox, Magnecord, Magneplanar, Magnin, Magnum Opus, Marantz, Mark Simpson Manufacturing Company, Marshall, Marshall Wells, Martel, Masco, Massey Ferguson, Masterwork, Matsushita, Maxell, Mayfair, Mazda, MCA DiscoVision, McDonald, McGohan, McIntosh, McMartin, MCM Electronics, MCS, Mecca, Medallion, Megastar, MEI, Melco, Mecury, Meriton, Metron, Metz, MGA, MGA Mitsubishi, MGN Technology, Midland, Miida, Mikado, Miller & Kreisel, Milwaukee-Erwood, Miracord, Mitsubishi, Monacor, Monarch, Monteverdi, Moog, Mopar, Morse, Morse Electrophonic, Mortel Electronics, Motorola, Multicore Solders, Multisonic, Multitech, Muntz, Muntz Stereo, MX

N - O - COMPANIES: NAD (NAD Electronics), Nady, Nakamichi (NAK), NAP (North American Philips), National, National Panasonic, National Technics, NEC (NEC Corporation, Nippon Electic Company), NEI (Neptune Electronics Inc), Newcomb, Nikko, Nippon Victor of Japan, Nissan, NIVICO, Nordmende, Norelco (North American Philips), Nova-Tech, Numark, Nutone, Oberheim, Octek Mainboard, Ohm, OKI, Olson, Olympic, Onkyo, Optimus, Optonica, Ortofon, Orrtronics, Otari

P - COMPANIES: Pace, Pacific Concept, Packard Bell, Paco, Panasonic, Pan Tec, Panorama Electronics, Parasound, Park, Pathé-Marconi, PE (Perpetuum-Ebner), Pearlcorder, Peavey, Penncrest, Penney, Pentagon, Pentax, Pentron, Phase Linear, Philco, Philco Ford, Philips, Phone-mate, Phonola, Phono Trix, Pianola, Pickering, Pilot, Pioneer, Plymouth, Polk Audio, Pontiac, Porsche, Power Acoustik, Precision Electronics, Project/One, Pro Line Electronics, Protech, Proton, PS Audio

Q - R - COMPANIES: QSC Audio, Quasar, Rabco, Radian Research, Radio Shack, Radion, R. A. Moog Co, RCA (Radio Corporation of America), Ramsa, Randall, Rane, Ranger, Raytheon, RCA Victor, Readers Digest, Realistic, Realtone, Recordio, Reelest, Rek-O-Kut, Revere, Revere-Wollensak, Revox, RG Dynamics, Rheem Califone, Rhodes, Rhodes Keyboard Instruments, Riverside, Roadstar, Robert Bosch Corporation, Roberts, Rockola, Roland, Rolecor, Ross, Ross Systems, Rotel, Royce

S - COMPANIES: Saab, Saba, SAE, Sampo, Sams Photofact, Samsung, Sankyo, Sansui, Sanwa, Sanyo, Sargen-Rayment, Schaum, Schober, Scott, Sears, Sears Silvertone, Seiko, Sencore, Sennheiser, Sentrek, Servolinear, Setton, SG, Sharp, Sheffield Labs, Sherwood, Shugart, Shure, Signet, Silver Marshall, Silvertone, Singer (Graflex), Sonus, Sony, Sound Technology, Soundsdesign, Soundstream, Stereosonic, Sparkomatic, Spectro Acoustics, Spendor, SR, Standel, Stanton Vestax, Stenotape, Steremote, StereoTech, Studer, Subaru, Sumo, Superscope, SWTP, Supra, Sylvania, Symphonic, Synergistics

T - COMPANIES: Talk-a-Phone, Tandberg (Tandberg Radio), Tandy, Tangent (Tangent Systems), Tapco, Tappan, Targa, Tascam, Tatung, TDK, Teac, Technical Audio Products Corp, Technics, Techwood, Tec Trak, Teknika, Telarc, Telecorder, Telectro, Teledune, Teledyne Acoustic Research, Telefunken, Telematic, Telematic, Teletalk, Televideo, Telex, Telex Phonola, Telmar, Ten, Tenna, Texas Instruments, The Audible Difference, The Great American Sound Company, Thomas, Thorens, TMK, TOA Electronics, Toshiba, Totevision, Tour Sound, Toyo, Toyomenka, Toyota, Tracker Premier, Transcriptors, Trio, Triumph, Truetone

U - V - COMPANIES: Uher, Ultrx, Unicord, Unisonic, Uni-Sync, United Audio, United Stereo Tapes, Universal Tapedex, University Sound, Vector-Research, Velodyne (Velodyne Acoustics), Victor, Victor Company of Japan, Video Concepts, Videotek, Viewlex, Viking (Viking of Minneapolis), Vista, Vivtar, Viz, VM (V-M, Voice of Music), VMPS, Volkswagen, Vox

W - X - Y - Z - COMPANIES: Waltham, Wards, Wards Airline, Wayfarer, Webcor, Webster (Webster-Chicago, Webster Electric), Welbilt, Wells Gardner, Welton, Western Auto, Westinghouse, Westport, White Electronics, Whirlpool, White Motor Co, Wingard, Wintec, Winthrop, Wollnesak, Xam, Xtal, Xtra, Xylophile, Yamaha, York, Yorkville Sound, Yorx, Zayre, Zenith

EXAMPLES OF EQUIPMENT TYPES: Consumer Electronics, Audio Equipment, Home Audio, Car Audio, Analog Sound, Digital Sound, Vintage Tube Audio, Old Time Radio, Golden Age, Mono Stereo Audiophile, Solid State, Transistor, 60's 70's 80's 90's Audio, Discrete, Quad, 4CH, Matrix SQ, 4 CH Decoder, 2 Channel, 4 Channel, Quarter Track, 2 Track, 4 Track, 8 Track, 16 Track, 24 Track, Tape Recorder, Tape Recording, Magnetic Tape Recorder, Tapecorder, Open Reel Deck, Reel to Reel Deck, 8-Track Player, 8-Track Recorder, Multi Track, Mixer, Mixing Console, Microphone, Cassette Deck, Cassette Player Cassette Recorder Cassettecorder Walkman Minidisc Casseiver Component System Stereo System Compact System Shelf System Mini System Micro System Modular System Portable Rack System, AM ,FM, SW, Tuner, Stereo Tuner, Tuner Amp, Preamp, Preamplifier, Control Amp, AV Preamp, Amps, Integrated Amplifier, Power Amplifier, Dual Mono Amp, Monoblock, AV Receiver, Receiver, 5.1 7.1 Receiver, Home Theatre, Karaoke, Turntable, Record Player, Record Changer, 33 45 78, LP, Vinyl, Video Tape Recorder, VTR, VCR, Beta, Video Camera, Vidcam, Camcorder, Laserdisc, Laser Vision, LaserVision, CD Player, Compact Disc, Single Disc CD, Multi Disc CD, CD Recorder, CD Library, CD Controller, Car CD, Car Navigation, Switching Unit, Remote Control, Wired Remote, Speaker Selector, DVD Player, DVD Recorder, TV, Television, B/W, Color TV, Rear Projection TV, LCD TV, Flat Panel Display, Plasma TV, Reverb Amp, Reverberation, Sound Processors, DSP, Processor, Noise Reduction, Dolby A B C, Dolby Decoder, Dynamic Expansion, Compressor Expander, Dynamic Expander, Compander, AV Receivers, Audio Visual, Surround Sound, Headphones, Speakers, Speaker System, Subwoofer, Crossover, Electronic Crossover, Biamping, Equalizers, Graphic Equalizer, Parametric Equalizer, Audio Timers, Digital Timer, Digital Pianos.


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  • Barely knows what's happening = Rick
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